Terms and conditions
All bookings (oral or done by e-mail or on the website) made by the customer to Ilonka are valid and binding. The fee is determined by the chosen activity and is to be paid concurrently with the booking. The booking is confirmed when the payment is done.
All persons booking activities at Ilonka must be at least 18 years of age at the time of initial enquiry and accept responsibility also for making all payments according to the terms.
Bookings can be made on the website as well as through email. Alternatively, enquiries can be made over telephone and whatsapp messages. Any enquiries made over telephone or whatsapp will be summarised into an email for booking and confirmation.
Linear response to emails shall be maintained throughout the entire booking/enquiry process. New email threads/subjects may become dissociated from original enquiries, making content from separate emails difficult to connect to each other. This could lead to problems occurring with the confirmation process.
In order to confirm a booking, full payment must be received by Ilonka without delay after the customer has received an invoice or payment instructions.
Failure to make the payment in full may result in cancellation of the booking. Ilonka reserves the right to cancel any enquiry or booking for any reason before full payment has been made.
Contents of the Activity
The content of Ilonka’s activities are described on Ilonka’s homepage: www.ilonka.fi.
Ilonka´s Responsibility
Ilonka is responsible for providing sustainable and responsible services for the customer. Ilonka works and serves the customers according to its values respecting all people and animals equally. According to Ilonka’s Values, Ilonka provides services that promote wellbeing for people as well as the environment. Ilonka is responsible for the state of the farm and the wellbeing of its animals and employees as well as providing clear instructions to the customers. Ilonka has NO insurance for injury or accident for the people participating in Ilonka’s Activities. Ilonka is not responsible for any damage done to people, clothes, or other possessions of people participating in Ilonka’s Activities. Neither is Ilonka responsible for possible disappearing of possessions.
Responsibilities of the Participant
The participants or customers of Ilonka accept that they undertake the activities provided by Ilonka at their own risk. Customers of Ilonka accept that any injury or damage caused to themselves or to others through their actions are their own responsibility and that they will not hold Ilonka or any employee at Ilonka liable.
The participant in the activity is responsible for following instructions given by the employees at Ilonka. The adult participants are responsible for their children and the children’s safety. Children and teenagers are not allowed to be left on the farm or at any individual activity on the Ilonka farm without a guardian or, when teenagers are concerned, without a written approval signed by a guardian. In private activities, this means that at least one adult has to have a valid booking in the activity with the children. The people participating in activities with animals, are responsible for all possible damages they might cause to the animals.
Ilonka reserves the right to refuse repayment of funds made during the booking and reservation process prior to the start date of an activity or an event; the stages and amount of which are subject to the following:
- Cancellations made more than 45 days fully refundable, minus 50€ office fee.
- For cancellations between 45 – 31 days prior to arrival, 70% refund.
- For cancellations between 30 – 8 days prior to arrival, 50% refund.
- For cancellations less than 7 days prior to arrival or no-show, no refund.
In order to cancel a booking, the customer must:
- Email, whatsapp or telephone Ilonka
- Quote the booking reference number and their (the customer’s) full name.
- Offer a brief description of their reason for cancelling.
It is recommended to the customer who wishes to cancel, to contact Ilonka as soon as possible to avoid charges caused by late cancellation.
Ilonka reserves the right to apply charges to cancellations, in accordance with the conditions laid out above, upon the date a cancellation request is received.
Official channels are:
- Phone and Whatsapp: +358 45 123 9755
- Email: info@ilonka.fi
Ilonka reserves the right to make changes to its activities and products (including prices, special offers and discounts) at any time and without notice, up to the point of booking confirmation.
The participants in Ilonka’s activities are not insured by Ilonka. Ilonka is not responsible for any damage caused by or to the customer.
It is recommended that all participants of Ilonka’s activities are protected with their own travel insurance.